
Simple Theme


This is as simple as it gets, no blog, no entries, just a header, footer and simple landing page. This build does not include favicons, you can add yours. No pages defined in site.yml. But you can add as desired to content/* and define them so they can be displayed at the header

File structure of this theme

─ template
  ├─ favicon
  │  └─ All favicon related items
  ├─ images
  │  └─ header.jpg
  ├─ partials
  │  ├─ foter.pug
  │  ├─ header.pug
  │  └─ headMeta.pug # where all the social media magic happens
  ├─ page.pug # this is used to render all single pages
  └─ styles.styl # primary stylesheet. Check those imports

How to install

Just download the file from this repository under releases and unzip it inside your /template directory (just the files not the directory)



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